Personality Adjectives and astrological signs (B2/upper-intermediate)

I was teaching the personality adjectives to a student who´s preparing for the FCE (First Certificate) the other day and I came up with some interesting ideas on how to practise them. One of those is using the Horoscope signs. I studied Astrology in Buenos Aires for three years before coming to Spain and it still is one of my hidden passions, together with other esoteric subjects.

So, here is a task for both students and teachers that can make studying personality adjectives more fun:

1) How would you describe your personality? What adjectives can you use? Do any of those adjectives match the ones generally used to describe your solar sign (Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces, etc.)? If you don´t know the general characteristics of each star sign, try doing the following exercise:

2) Complete the descriptions using the following adjectives:

logical- dependable- adventurous- intuitive- intolerant- gentle- enthusiastic- outgoing- cooperative-focused- expressive- adaptable- romantic- talkative- compassionate- stubborn- manipulative- overbearing- methodical- passionate- generous- conventional-curious- temperamental


impulsive- …………….. – assertive- aggressive- ……………………. – competitive- independent


patient- ………………….. – calm- sensual- practical- loyal- ………………………….


curious- sociable- changeable- ……………………. – versatile- clever- …………………….


sensitive- traditional- moody- emotional- …………………………… – ……………………………..


dramatic- ……………….- idealistic- proud- ambitious- dignified- ………………………..


………………-dependable- ……………..- soft-spoken- analytical- sincere- easily worried- industrious-


………………..- careful- artistic- persuasive- diplomatic-……………indecisive-fickle


determined- ……………penetrating- private- resourceful- loyal- temperamental- …………………


argumentative- blunt-………………- honest- daring- friendly-confident- …………………..




 unpredictable- strong-willed-  ……………….- independent- tolerant- perceptive- progressive- ……………………….


imaginative- ……………………..- intuitive- idealistic- sensitive- …………………- secretive- vulnerable- fantasist

3) Now check if you were right. Here are the answers:

ARIES: adventurous- outgoing

TAURUS: dependable- stubborn

GEMINI: expressive- talkative

CANCER: manipulative- intuitive

LEO: romantic- overbearing

VIRGO: methodical- gentle

LIBRA: cooperative- logical

SCORPIO: intolerant- passionate

SAGITTARIUS: generous- enthusiastic

CAPRICORN: focused- conventional

PISCES: adaptable- compassionate

4) Discuss whether this description applies to your own personality traits or not. What about someone else in your family? Would you add any other adjectives to these summaries?

5) Here´s a short video about this topic. Enjoy it!

NOTE: This brief description may not coincide with your personality traits at all as there are different factors that influence who we are and by saying ¨I´m a Scorpio¨ we´re only saying that when we were born the sun was placed in that constellation. It´s our ¨solar sign¨. As we all know, there are many more stars and planets in our universe so that means there are many more energies, together with our solar sign, which converge in our natal charts.

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